Friday, April 25, 2014

the boy and the door part 4

"Zak. Zak. Zak, wake up!" Zaks mom was standing over him.
"Mom I had a weird dream where..." Zak sat up and rubbed his eyes. He looked around.
"It wasn't a dream," his mother said. They were in a large rectangular room, Zak estimated about 20 feet from top to bottom, and about 100 feet across. The walls were lined with beds. There was a door at the end of the room. It looked exactly like the one from his not-a-dream, the one thing different was the inscription: Time Delta Sick Bay.
 "Mom, where are Dad and the others?" Zak asked.
 "They're all talking to the captain," Mom said.
 "Ok. Question number two: where are we?"
"We don't know. That's what your father is trying to find out."
To be continued next week...

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